Viagra Alternatives: Stalon Neo

Erectile dysfunction is listed among the most widely spread health problems affecting strong half of humanity; the estimations are quite striking – about 300 million men worldwide suffer from ED issues. In US, 30% of 40+ males experience erection problems on a regular basis, which lead to psychological discomfort and relationship complications. Unfortunately, because of the lack of awareness, many are willing to put up with the problem, while it is quite currently quite possible to solve it.

Where is the problem?
One of the most common causes of this disorder is endothelial dysfunction, violation of the developing vascular endothelium of nitric oxide – a substance that plays a key role in the mechanism of erection.

Given this, it is very important not to err in the choice of the drug – because you need it to address the causes of disease, rather than just temporarily eliminate the symptoms. And this is how exactly Stalon Neo works. The main focus of the drug is the elimination of endothelial dysfunction and restoring the level of nitric oxide in the blood. Stalon Neo directly regulates an enzyme that synthesizes nitric oxide in response to sexual stimulation, and triggers a cascade of biochemical mechanisms that lead to the expansion of blood vessels, and their blood supply, which ultimately provides a full erection.
Restoring potency naturally
Can a single drug to combine maximum efficiency and safety? The answer is yes and Stalon Neo is a perfect example. It naturally restores male sexual performance; the drug is not a stimulator of erection, but it helps to achieve it through normalization of the natural physiological processes.

Antibodies (active drug substance) have no adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the drug may be administered in patients receiving nitrates for patients with ischemic heart disease, and used in conjunction with other medications. You can use Stalon Neo in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the elderly. Due to the absence of side effects and contraindications (except, of course, possible hypersensitivity to the drug), the possibility of combining with other drugs, as well as the fact that the use of the drug does not require constant medical supervision, Stalon Neo is a non-prescription drug.

Here and now
It must be emphasized that Stalon Neo is not a ‘use once and forget’ remedy. Since dysfunction begins at the cellular level, it is obvious that it will take some time to eliminate.

Stalon Neo doesn’t simply block the processes that lead to a decrease in erection, it improves the function of the vascular endothelium, while the speed of recovery depends on its original state. The more vascular cells damaged, the longer it takes to return to the endothelium working form. Therefore, to stabilize the sexual potency a medical-prophylactic course lasting at least 12 weeks is recommended to be initiated, after which the restored natural (physiological) erection does not require later stimulation and using pills.

Stalon Neo comes in a handy form – 1 tablet a day. The tablet dissolves quickly and easily in the mouth and does not even requires water to be taken. Thanks to pathogenetic, not symptomatic action Stalon Neo helps to eliminate the cause of erectile dysfunction, and the therapeutic effect after the course taking preserved for a long time, making it possible to live a full sexual life.

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